Friday, January 28, 2011


  I have a Vita - Mix. And I LOVE it. A lot. Everything about it is true. It makes peanut butter, soup, margaritas, tahini, grinds grain, kneads bread, and of course, smooths smoothies.

 You don't need a Vita Mix to make smoothies. Any good blender will do just fine.

The recipe? Experiment! Here is my usual:

apple juice
frozen strawberries
frozen bananas
can of peaches

There is also peanut butter, blueberries, canned tropical fruit, pears, pineapples, carrots, spinach....all available at Aldi!

I also love their new Nature's Nectar Blendz. Fruit/vegetable juices. Yummy!

I have started adding a non Aldi product to our smoothies - Amazing Grass' Green Super Food.

So tonight's ( I made it to hold off hunger til supper was done) smoothie:

Peach/mango/carrot Aldi juice blend
3 frozen bananas
1 can peaches
1 can pineapple
2 scoops Green Super food


1 comment:

  1. We Love making smoothies, and it is a great way for me to add those much needed fresh fruits and veggies into them that they might not have gotten through out the day. We LOVE adding spinach to ours - lots of vitamins, and you can't even taste it.


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